What You Must Know About Renovating Steel Framed Buildings

December 20th, 2017

The new trend in construction is the use of structural steel for building purposes. And why not! Steel is, in fact, one of the most flexible yet the sturdiest material to work with. Not to forget, the fine design created by steel plate fabricators also makes it a very attractive option for a building design. Another benefit of using structural steel frames for your building is the ease of renovating it. But before you go ahead and renovate your steel framed building, here are some things you must know of.

Current Strength

The process of finding out the current strength of your building is necessary before you chalk out a plan to renovate your steel framed building. Find out if the weight limit of the structure facilitates your plan or not. Also, find out if the steel structure was refurbished and made use of multiple time.

Site Conditions

Another aspect to check is the condition of the site on which the building stands. Check for old steel connections and determine if they were bolted or welded to the site. Also, find out if the site was earlier renovated after the original construction as it could compromise the accessible points for renovation.

Duration of Construction

Steel plate fabricators have come a long way from the time steel fabrication was invented. Different years saw different innovation in the field of structural steel fabrication. So before you plan to renovate a steel framed building, it is essential for you to know what type of material was used and how long ago was the building constructed. This will help you determine the weight limit and the type of the new material to be used.

Original design

The best thing would be to get your hands on the first original design of the steel framed building. This will give you a better idea of the initially constructed design and the alterations that took place later on. If the original design is not available, take your time to create an as-built plan to have a better renovation process.

Necessary Treatment required

Any construction site needs to be checked for different types of treatment required before you renovate it and make it brand new. It is advisable to do a check for the presence of asbestos and lead particles present on the site as it will help you eliminate the effect of the substance from your building.

Even before you come up with a renovation plan, finding out the above mentioned details is a must when renovating a steel framed building. These things will ensure that you have a well-planned renovation. Also, do not forget to consult an expert steel plate fabricator to ensure that the renovation is flawless.

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