We offer a variety of services for all types of construction, including commercial, light industrial, and renovations.

Facility & Equipment

5.5 acre secured yard with fencing and cameras, three plant operations featuring new and innovative technology, a 30,000 square-foot storage facility for steel inventory and a 6,500 square-foot office.


We offer a variety of services for all types of construction, including commercial, light industrial, and renovations. From embeds, chutes, structural steel, pipe shoes, and module fabrication, we have you covered.

Past Projects

We are proud of the strong reputation we have earned as an industry leader in steel production. This has given us the privilege to provide our expertise on many large and exciting projects across North America.


At NWL our staff is our family, and it is our highest priority to keep each one of them healthy and safe while on the job.

Join our team

Our team is the most integral part of our business, so we are looking for career-minded individuals who are proud of their work to join the Northern Weldarc family.

From the blog

Learn more about Northern Weldarc, equipment, featured projects, and more!

Wildfire prevention header image
Wildfire Prevention
April 22nd, 2024
The birds are singing, and the trees are just shy from budding new leaves—spring is here! Because Mother Nature...
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Christmas tree with ornaments and lights
From Our Family to Yours
December 19th, 2023
A few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to go to the town of Rosebud, Alberta to have lunch and see a play at the...
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Remember Our Veterans
November 11th, 2023
On the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th hour in the year 1918, two sides signed an agreement to end a world war...
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Featured posts

Advantages and Disadvantages of Structural Steel

Seven Types of Steel Trusses

Advantages and Disadvantages of Riveted Connections

Associated member of
Canada Green Building Council logo
COR Workplace Safety logo
ISO certified logo

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Contact us today to find out how we can help you on your next project.

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