Steel Handrails For Industrial Stairs

May 19th, 2017

Industrial stairs are not like the regular stairs. They have to be designed and fabricated considering the location of the staircase and its utility. There are certain set guidelines and government norms which have to be followed while manufacturing industrial stairs. Different types of industrial stairs have different steel handrail options. Below are a few examples of various industrial stairs and their corresponding steel handrails.

Crossover Stairs

Crossover stairs are used to walk over conveyors, ductwork, and walls. They enable you to walk over any kind of obstruction. There are many variants of crossover stairs such as the bridge style crossover stairs, space saving ship ladder and vertical ladder designs. These stairs have steel handrail options such as vertical bars, extensions, and panels. The design of the handrails can be customized depending on your needs.

Catwalk Stairs

These stairs are of different types such as the multilevel access mezzanine, regular catwalk stairway, steel stairs for automotive rack catwalk system, prefabricated steel stairway in the warehouse area, structural stairways in storage and retrieval systems, catwalk fire escape stairs for medical file storage and the catwalk access and fall protection. The standard stair width is 36 inches. The handrails for these stairs vary in dimension depending on the utility of the industrial stairs.

Tank Access Stairways

These stairs are used to access tanks. They are moveable and are available with and without platforms. Tank access stairs have multiple applications and can be designed according to your needs. These stairs are mainly used in shipping and petroleum management systems. They are highly durable, safe, and easy to use and install, and require less storage space.

Straight Stairways

These stairs are the most commonly used both indoors and outdoors. They are safe, highly durable and come in varying sizes. The steel handrails used for straight stairways are standardized. These stairs are used for transporting people to different levels.

At Northern Weldarc, our team of workers fabricates steel for all kinds of industrial stairs. We make a note of your needs and accordingly design a suitable staircase for your industrial needs. If need be, we will even custom build a staircase as per your requirement.

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