Pipe supports are designed to carry the weight of pipes, any in-line equipment and material in the pipe for over a defined span. The major functions of pipe supports are to guide, anchor, absorb shock, and support load. The pipe supports that are used in extreme temperature applications may contain insulation materials. The configuration of pipe supports is based on the loading and operating conditions. There are different types of pipe supports that can be installed to support the weight loads and to restrain pipes from dynamic and thermal loads. The types of pipe supports include:
Vertical pipe supports containing a rod are called as hangers. These hangers can be rigid, variable spring, or constant support hangers.
Variable Spring Support
The variable spring support is commonly known as a variable spring hanger. It is a helical coil that supports the weight load. The load of the support changes as the spring moves through its range in a determined spring rate. This type of support can be a floor support below or above the pipe.
The rigid pipe support is designed to avoid movement in at least one direction.
Rigid Hanger
The rigid hanger pipe support makes use of a rigid rod to restrict the movement of the pipe.
It is a rigid pipe support which restricts movement in all the three rotational directions.
Axial Restraint
Axial restraints are designed to restrict the movement down the centerline of the pipe. These are generally used for horizontal pipes.
Lateral Restraint
Lateral restraints are designed to restrict movement of pipe in the direction perpendicular to the pipe axis.
Sway Brace
It is a variable spring that is designed to have no weight at the center of the spring and it restricts the movement in either direction from the spring centerline.
Hydraulic Snubber
Hydraulic snubber comes with a piston and hydraulic reservoir that is designed to restrict the dynamic movement. However, it allows free movement because of the thermal loads.
Mechanical Snubber
Mechanical snubbers restrict the dynamic pipe movement using a mechanical device that is placed inside the snubber. These mechanical snubbers are prone to failures and so are not commonly used.
Limit Stop
It allows a defined movement in any direction before acting as a rigid restraint.
These are the common types of pipe supports used in the oil and gas industry. If you are into this industry, you should know more about these pipe supports from professionals manufacturing pipe supports.