Most Common Steel Building Erection Mistakes

January 26th, 2018

Structural steel is the most commonly used material to create buildings and other commercial constructions. The renewable benefits of structural steel make it ideal for welding and fabrication companies to create long-lasting structures. Building structures are very complex and need to be designed very carefully. However, during the entire process, there are some or the other mistakes that are made. It is hence, necessary to keep in mind to avoid the following mistakes while erecting a steel building.

Not Following Building Codes

The National Building Code of Canada is the basic rule created to ensure a minimum safety level for the occupants of the building. Your entire design, construction, alteration, demolition or any other building related affair should follow all the building codes provided.

Working Without a Plan

The most common mistake every builder makes is starting the construction work without a base plan. It is important to create a plan that will include your construction design, budget allocation, total expenses, and all other details of construction. This will help you plan out your expenses if you are exceeding your budget. Also, having a design ready will help you order the requirements of steel structures with the fabrication company.

Lack of Proper Equipment

To reduce costs, not using necessary equipment is the biggest mistake. This mistake will not only affect the quality of your work but will also put the safety of workers in danger. The use of all the basic equipment will not only improve the quality of work but will also decrease the time taken in erecting the building.

Avoiding Welding

Welding is very important for construction purpose. Welding helps create strong joints, ultimately creating strong structures. Also, it is crucial to use welding instead of bolts for joining two metals. Welding seals the surface completely without leaving any gap for air or moisture to get in contact with steel structures. This eventually protects steel from rusting.

Choosing Wrong Insulation

Protecting steel structures from fire is also important. Often, architects focus on protection of wood and other materials from fire and not steel. Structural steel heats up due to fire. Hence, using proper method of insulation is necessary while erecting steel building.

Not Using the Instruction Manual

When you get the fabricated structures, you get an instruction manual along with it. This manual has the correct techniques needed to use the structure. As every building structure is unique, the welding and fabrication company will design the structures based on the requirements of your building. Hence, referring the instruction manual becomes important to understand the structure that needs to be created.

Hiring Untrained Fabricator

Since constructing a building needs a lot of hard work and planning, the importance of hiring professional welding and fabrication company cannot be ignored. An experienced and professional fabricator will provide you with quality products, and will also assist you with the modifications of structures needed in your design.

Avoiding all the above mistakes will help you create strong and long-lasting structures. To know more about how you can create strong steel structures, take the help of a professional welding and fabrication company in Edmonton.

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