"The Camrose Regional Exhibition "CRE" required an updated version of bleachers that they could use for the events throughout the year. One of the issues they needed resolved was the difficulty moving the bleachers to different locations throughout the CRE buildings and site. They could only drag them and some of the overhead doors were lower than others. With a team effort between the "CRE" and "NWL" we built mobile bleachers with removable wheels and removable guards for low overhead doors.
With the success of the bleachers, Tom Gerling, CEO of Camrose Regional Exhibition and Panhandle Productions asked us to custom make 400’ of crowd barriers. The original "prototype" had a few changes and again with the team effort of NWL, CRE, Panhandle Productions and TrixStar Productions we were able to come up with the final product which was used for the Big Valley Jamboree this past July 28 – 31, 2016! "BVJ" is one of the largest Country Music Festivals in Canada. https://www.bigvalleyjamboree.com"